Eastern Lamejun Bakers

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Eastern Lamejun

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Second Menu'

We ship to our out of town customers on a daily basis. We can ship all your favorite treats from Lamejun to turnovers to even your favorite feta cheese.


Introducion to our store

We at Eastern Lamejun Bakers we never stop looking for new and innovative ways to enhance your shopping experience.

We provide our shoppers with a wide variety of imported gourmet essentials as well as the local Armenian and Middle Eastern delights. Our store is stocked with everything you need for your next party. Armenian appetizers to traditional desserts, and everything in between; from every spice you can think of, every nut you can name to every dried fruit from every corner.



Our Best of Boston dips and Lamejun can't be beat, freshly prepared everyday with no preservatives or chemicals. Everything that comes out of our kitchen is hand made by our bakers. We make sure you are getting the same quality and taste today as you were for the past 60 years here at Eastern Lamejun Bakers.



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